Turkiyaning Istanbul shahrida "Multi-level orders of corruption in Central Asia" loyihasi doirasida xalqaro Forum start oldi

Shvetsiyaning Lund universiteti tomonidan o‘tkazilayotgan forumda Xalqaro Nordik universitetining Foundation maktabi menejeri Abdurauf Tolibov qatnashmoqda.

Forumda dunyoning nufuzli universitetlari professor va tadqiqotchilarining loyiha bo‘yicha ilmiy maqolalari, tadqiqot ishlariga oid ma'ruzalari tinglanmoqda. Qizg‘in munozaralar asosida xalqaro tajribalar almashilyapti.


International Forum has started in Istanbul, Turkey within the framework of the "Multi-level orders of corruption in Central Asia" project

Abdurauf Talibov, manager of the International Nordic University's Foundation School, is participating in the forum organized by Lund University in Sweden.

At the forum, professors and researchers of prestigious universities of the world are listening to lectures about the project's scientific articles and research results. International experiences are exchanged on the basis of heated discussions.

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